Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rolling, Teeth and Michigan Trip!

Wow, I know I say this a lot, but SO much has happened over the past few weeks!  Take a look...

Drum roll please.........
Last night I finally rolled from my back to my front AND THEN from my front to my back all by myself!  And then I did it again and again and again!  My mommy and daddy thought it was the funniest and most amazing thing.  They've been noticing that I've been getting really strong lately.  I am able to hold my head up way more than I ever could and I even started to roll over in my crib in the middle of the night, which makes them feel very worried.  I would just get stuck on my tummy and then grunt until someone came to save me.  I figured I should help them out since I was depriving them from their precious sleep because I wanted to play, so I taught myself how to roll both ways.  Aren't I resourceful?  (As you can see, my vocabulary is improving immensely as must be all of those books I read!)
Now, I know my mommy and daddy say this often, but I think I'm staring to believe that I may just be a genius....
As they said, I was a rollin' fool (and they meant that in the nicest, most loving way, I'm sure)! The first time I did it daddy had his back turned and mommy nearly missed it too, I was so quick.  Then they watched me as I flipped over onto my tummy (which I am a pro at by now) and then I carefully moved my arms up by my head and pushed myself back over to my back.  Once I learned how to do it I just kept going and going until I found myself under the coffee table and all over the room!  Finally they said it was time for bed, and by that time I was all tuckered out anyways.
I'm so proud of myself!  But mommy and daddy say that my days of lounging on the bed or couch are OVER!

Last Thursday two teeth finally popped through at the same time!  And, guess what?  They were on the bottom! Pulling the old switcheroo, eh?  Those little buggers sure make me cranky sometimes, and I think I'm still going to get those top chompers soon too, so I've been a little sassy.  But you can't be perfect all the time, right?!  If I would let my mommy and daddy see them they could take a picture for you, but I keep them well hidden.

Michigan Trip: 
We went for a quick trip to Michigan last weekend and we had so much fun!  There was a lot to do:
First I watched some college football with daddy (don't bring up the outcome of that game, I'm just sayin'), I went to my first Northville Colts football game to watch my big cousin Tommy show me how to play football, I visited The Victorian Festival and even went to a "Saloon" (my mommy and daddy say they are trying to culture me), and I played a lot with my cousins Erin and Carolyn.  They really had missed me and I had really missed them too!  They held me and I tried to kiss them and lick them and grab their cheeks and they made me laugh and laugh ~ they're so funny!  They showed me all of their toys and they were very careful  and gentle with me.  Grammy got me all kinds of new toys and cloths, my favorite is my new glow worm! She sings to me and lights up and I always try to give her kisses because she's such a nice little glow worm.  And, grandpa bought me a new four-wheeler! Okay, maybe it wasn't for me, but I got a great picture on it!  After seeing how fast my Aunt Shannon went on that thing I don't think my daddy will ever let me on it...but he sure enjoyed driving it!

Here are some other gems...

     I'm transfixed by my new friend

Yep, that's me in my pj's during a late night at The Victorian Festival.  
As you can see, I'm quite the night owl.

It was a great trip and I love visiting my family in Michigan.  I am a city girl and a country girl ~ I'm so lucky!
Well, tootle-loo for now!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ho Hum, The Zoo, Volunteer Spotlight, I'm Really Movin'

Hello there!

Ho Hum
Lately I've been humming a lot!  I hum during the day, in the morning when I wake up and when I'm not so awake, and before I go to sleep.  My mommy laughs because she remembers doing a lot of humming  herself when she was little.  She says she thinks that it's because I'm going to be a musical genius and I'm just practicing.  She also thinks it's because I am learning how to talk because I am, again, a genius.  I don't know people, there's nothing I can do about her.  I guess I should just get used to it because we've got a long way to go together!!

The Zoo
I went to the zoo the other day.  Here's a picture of us in front of the carousel.  One day I'm gonna ride that thing!  I can't wait...

Volunteer Spotlight
Hey, hey!  We're featured in this month's OIF newsletter.  Take a look at the article below!  If you would like to be added to their eNews listserv just go to and click subscribe on the left.  They have tons of great information and OI news each month.  

Volunteer Spotlight: Jessica Sheridan
Maggie and parents.JPG
Maggie with her parents, Jessica and Mike.

Three months ago, Illinois residents Jessica and Mike Sheridan’s baby girl was admitted to the hospital with several broken bones.  After receiving a diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta, Jessica felt her world turn upside down, “We've never had a major health concern in our family, so hearing Maggie's diagnosis was a real shock to us all.”  While wading through the information, trying to find answers and treatment options, Jessica heard about the OI Foundation’s upcoming national Blue Jeans for Better Bones day.  She signed up to hold her own day and then she took it one step further.  She called OIF Development Coordinator, Melissa Bonardi and asked if she could create an online donation page for her Blue Jeans day since she had a lot of friends on Facebook and a blog where she could share the link.  As Melissa explains, “I’ll never turn down a volunteer who wants to make their event bigger and broader reaching so I happily made a page for Maggie Shae’s Blue Jeans for Better Bones.”
Within days, the link was shared on Jessica’s blog and Facebook page as well as being picked up by the Facebook group “12” who are committed to participating in twelve charities in twelve months. Donations were coming in from several states – including Arizona and Alaska – and two of Jessica’s relatives decided to hold their own BJBB day in honor of Maggie Shae in Michigan and Ohio.  Jessica was stunned by the outpouring of support, “I think that the success we've had for BJBB day is a true testament of the love and support that Maggie, my husband and I receive each day from our loving friends and family.” As to why she decided to hold a BJBB day, Jessica explained, “We all just feel very passionate about helping since there isn't a lot of awareness about OI. We want a cure and we will do everything we can to try to get that accomplished.”
It doesn’t take much to make a difference.  If you are interested in holding an event for the OIF – no matter how big or small – contact Melissa Bonardi at or 301-947-0083 x31 to find out how. 

I'm Really Movin'
I am really moving around like crazy now!  I am always trying to get both feet in my mouth.  I wiggle and wiggle back and forth, and sometimes all the way over, until I wiggle right off the blanket or play mat (just a few minutes ago I wiggled under the coffee table!).  I talk and yell or grunt and make sounds until someone does what I want, but I can also be very calm and serious. I am a very sweet girl though.  Mostly I like to just hang out and play with my friends, don't we all?! 

"Okay guys, this tummy time is fun and all, but you need to show me how to do this sitting up all by myself!"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hey, Hey, I'm 5 Months Old!

I can't believe it's already been 5 months!  Things are really changing in my life everyday!  I am learning all kinds of new things, exploring and discovering so much each day.

Here are some things that are new this month:
I love to hum and "talk", even at 3:45 in the morning (like last night!)
I roll back and forth to look at things or reach for things and I can go from my back to my tummy with some work, but I haven't tried to go all the way over from my tummy to my back without help just yet.
I love peek-a-boo (usually it's just "BOO!", and I laugh and laugh!)
I love to look at myself in the mirror
I can sit up with help
I love to touch people's faces and I'll grab it with both hands and open my mouth (my mommy swears I am trying to give kisses)
I love being 'dipped'
I am starting to experiment with my exersaucer ~ eventhough I can't reach the bottom with my feet I like to dangle!
I love to grunt to get attention, then when I get it I smile so cute
I sleep until about 9:30 each morning and I (usually) go to bed by about 9:30
The other morning I flipped 180 degrees in my crib.  I was facing the complete opposite direction, and sometimes I end up sideways too!
I love to eat sweet potatoes and I like bananas and apples.  Rice cereal is a little boring for me now!  My mommy tells me I will be trying green beens, parsnips, and carrots soon.
I LOVE to be read to and sung to.
I LOVE dancing to music.
I LOVE going for walks and I turn my head to see everything that is around me.
I'm not sure how long I am or how much I weigh, but when my Papa measures me he says I'm about 24.5" long, and I must weigh about 14 pounds by now (but mommy and daddy swear it's more)!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sorry for the wait...

Wow, we have been really, really busy lately!  Sorry I haven't been filling you in on everything Maggie Shae, but here's a re-cap..... 

BJBB FInal Total: 

As it stands today we have raised over $4,400 for OI!  Can you believe it? 
When we started we had hoped to raise $1,000, and we thought that was a lofty goal, but we far surpassed that and kept going!  Words can never express the gratitude we feel for everyone who helped and supported us.  It was a lot of work, but we hope to be able to raise money and awareness at least one time each year.  My whole family is really determined to raise awareness because they really want a cure found.  For everyone who donated and shared their love, you are helping us reach this goal!
Thank You!!
We were contacted by the OI Foundation about being in their September eNews bulletin's quarterly Volunteer Spotlight segment for our work raising money for BJBB Day!  I'll be sure to let you know when it hits the press!

  Thank you for supporting us!

"Boy or Girl?", grrrr
Okay, people, I get it.  I have short hair and I don't wear bows, but when I'm in head to toe pink isn't that enough for you to know that I'm a GIRL??!!
Yes, this is to you Mr. Podiatrist, waitresses at the Chinese restaurant, clerk at Walgreens and the countless other passerbys who exclaim, "Aw, what a cute little guy", or, "aw, how old is he?".  I mean,  my mommy tries so hard to make it obvious, to no avail!  Oh well, at least people think I'm cute, hehe.

I escaped from The Big House of cuteness!

Rollin' with My Homies
I am so close to rolling over!  My mommy is constantly whipping out her camera to take videos of me, but when she does I usually get stage fright and stop.  Most of the time now, when I'm laying on my back, I will arch and look behind me, usually to try and see my favorite toys or to get something in my mouth.  Everyone thinks it's really funny, but I just want to chew on something!!  My mommy and daddy think I am going to turn myself over without even knowing it soon.  Little do they know, everything I do is deliberate.  I'm very smart....
I am usually rolling on my back, left and right, and I'm getting very good at it.  Sometimes I wiggle around so much I turn in a big circle or wiggle off the blanket!  When someone helps me turn over all of the way I now know how to get my arm out from under me and move it to reach for things.  I also am getting really good at holding my head up and looking forward, and I'm working on turning it all the way from side to side to look at all of the interesting things around me.
Everyone says that I am very observant, whatever that means.  I just know that I love to look at everything, and there's a lot to see! 
Here are some of my favorite things to do:
I LOVE my octotunes pal.  He is bright, yellow, and smiley and his tentacles honks and toot and make all kinds of sounds that just crack me up!  I also love my cow toy that my cousin Adrienne gave to me.  It rolls back-and-forth and says "moooo" and it has a mirror on it.  I love anything with a mirror nowadays..
I also LOVE to dance around.  My mama sings Love Shack and My Best Friend's Girl and we dance and I smile and laugh, mostly at her because, let's face it, she's craaaazy.
I love my little green fabric ball-toy that my cousins Carolyn and Erin gave to me too.  It's got all kinds of thingies that I can grab and, of course, chew and suck on.
And, I love to eat sweet potatoes and rice cereal!