Sunday, November 4, 2012

I'm 6 Months/Halloween!

October 12, 2012 - I'm 6 Months Old!

I know I say this every month, but so much has happened this month!
I can't believe how much I am growing and changing, and neither can my Mama and Daddy.
My two teeth have come in and are getting bigger and bigger.  I like to use them to chomp on things like my socks and toys..and sometimes stray adult-sized fingers!  I am really interested in all of the things that other people put in their mouths too, and I can't wait to get my hands on all of that tasty looking food!  For now it's just oatmeal, fruits and vegetables and I really love them all...except peas (ew!).  My Mama and Daddy tell me that I will try some new stuff when it's Thanksgiving time (I hear mashed potatoes are delicious!).
I am practicing sitting up and have even tried it once or twice with out anyone holding on.  I need to keep practicing and getting stronger so that I can sit up on my own soon.
I am still a very smiley and happy girl.  I love to read, hear the ABCs, and take baths (I get so excited about baths!).  I love being tickled and I give a big belly laugh.  I love, love, love to play peek-a-boo and I even try to do it myself!  I also like to lay on my tummy and put my head down and when someone says "peek-a-boo!" I lift up my head and smile.  I love to touch people's faces and pull on their noses, and I also show people that I love them by touching their faces very gently. I love to hum and 'sing' and I do this all the time now.  I'm just warming up my voice for when I can really sing!  I also love to look out our front window.  I get propped up on a pillow and I watch all the cars and people and dogs go by below.  It's very exciting!
I have started to become more aware of my surroundings and sometimes I can get a little scared if Mama or Daddy go away or I'm not used to where I am, but I warm up quickly.
I also have become much more comfortable grabbing things..everything really!  Any chance I get I try and pull and grab.  Usually it's when I'm on my changing table.  I try to grab my pink tutu hanging on my cowgirl hook because it's so colorful, and the wipes because they make a fun noise!  I know how to get people's attention by play coughing or talking really loud.  My Mama and Daddy tell me that my personality just keeps coming out!

October sure had a lot of fun times!  I went to my first pumpkin patch and I got dressed up and went trick-or-treating three times! I got to visit my cousins in Michigan and trick-or-treat with them, Mama and Daddy took me near our house in Chicago, and I also went to a block party with my friend Sadie.   It all sure was fun, and I can't even walk or say "trick-or-treat" yet.  I can't wait for next year and the years to come!
Here are some pictures of my Halloween adventures 2012:

costume #1: Hoot! Hoot!

My 1st time trick-or-treating!

 costume #2, Quack!           

  costume #3, Roar!                  

My new favorite pastime

My Mama and Daddy just keep saying that they can't believe the time has gone by so quickly.  So much has happened in these first 6 months, and I am so thankful for all of the people in my life who care about me and my family.  I know that my Mama and Daddy feel very lucky to be surrounded by so many positive people who constantly shower us with love and happy thoughts too!  We love you all so much.  Now, onto Happy Adventuring in November... 

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