What a great year it has been, for what I saw of it, anyways!
2012 brought so many wonderful new memories for me! I emerged from my nine-month hibernation into this great, big world and met Mama and Daddy for the first time! I also got to meet all of my very special family members and many, many new friends for the first time too.
I've also learned to do so many wonderful things in the past 8 months like roll over, sit up, eat real food, play, clap, and 'talk' (to name a few).
I have had so, so, so many wonderful adventures and I've visited lots of new places (Michigan, Kansas City, Cincinnati). And I've had a few first real heartaches too..
But, Mama and Daddy tell me that there will always be good things and bad things that happen in life, but that the good always far outweigh the bad.
They say that I should always stay happy and look for the good in all people and that I should try my best to do good things and help others because this is the way it should be. Right now all I can really do is give out smiles, and I do that often, so I am trying my best to be a good listener!!
No matter what, the good and the not so good, 2012 was a great year. I mean, how could it not be?!
To all of my family and friends, may you have love, good health, and good fortune in the new year. You all mean so much to me and I couldn't be more grateful for all of your tremendous love and endless support. Although I can't talk just yet, I think you can see my happiness, gratitude and love for life just by seeing all of my smiles each and everyday!
For those who have gone away in 2012, we all miss you so much, but I know that you are still here impacting our lives through your wonderful spirit and showing us love through the memories you have left for us. We will always have you in our hearts.
I hope that you had a great 2012 and that 2013 is even better. I just cannot wait to see what 2013 has in store for me!! I'm going to crawl soon, and then I will be 1 year old..oh, I can hardly wait for all of my new adventures!!
Many, many, many happy adventures to you as well. Let's all strive to do good things and be nice to each other this year. I know we will all make a real difference.
Lots of hugs and smooches!
Maggie Shae, signing off for the last time in 2012...
Stay tuned for more of my adventures in 2013!
If you can't read it, my sign says:
Happy New Year!
All the best to you and yours!
Happiness, good fortune & lots of love