Get your tickets here: 2nd Annual OIF Chicago Strong Bones Gala
We can't believe that it has been over 4 years since Maggie was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 3/4 on June 27, 2012.
Our 1st Blue Jeans for Better Bones day, 2012
Although at times it has seemed like a very long road, what we've come to realize on our journey is something so eloquently said by John Lennon, "all you need is love." And it is apparent to us each and every day that we are surrounded by it.
We have met so many unbelievably generous and supportive people, and our love and admiration for our family and friends (and perfect strangers) is something we will never again take for granted. Not to mention, Maggie's carefree, sassy, joyful and sweet personality makes it easy to forget about the tough stuff!
All of the wonderful, beautiful, amazing things, both big and small, that we experience each day are so much easier to appreciate because of this entire journey, and we've learned so much about gratitude because of it.
So, first and foremost, we want to thank you for your support.
Although Maggie has had 11 breaks/micro-breaks in the past 4+ years, this is far less than many others with her same diagnosis, which is the reality of this disease: each person is uniquely affected.
We are thankful that she's progressed better than originally predicted. However, there are many other people living with OI who are not as fortunate. They suffer with hundreds of breaks in the same time period; they live with constant pain; they have physical challenges that require braces and wheelchairs; they may need rodding surgery and bisphosphonate treatment to correct bowed bones and help with the pain associated with this disease. Sadly, there are also many who do not survive being born with certain types of OI. They have passed away before birth or shortly thereafter because of the severity of their condition. More needs to be one to understand this disease.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta can be a difficult disease to comprehend, mostly because it affects each person uniquely, even when they have the same diagnosis (or Type). There is a lot more to uncover about this rare disease, especially in the medical world. So much is still unknown.
Many of you who follow Maggie's story know that Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a rare disease that currently has no cure. You can also read more about that here at The OI Foundation's website. You may also know that we have held events in 2015, 2014 & 2013 to raise awareness and funding for the OI, and to also remember Maggie's Grandpa Tom. Last year's OIF event, the first in Chicago, brought together 175 supporters and raised an unbelievable $40,000 for the cause.
We are continuously amazed, humbled and grateful beyond comprehension that so many of you come together to support Maggie, our family, and The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation's mission of education, awareness, and improving the quality of life for people affected by OI.
There are so many exciting projects that are happening on the OI front!! Whether this year will be your first time attending, or you're a continued supporter, we would love for you to come see what our event is all about!
The 2nd Annual OIF Strong Bones Gala will take place at the gorgeous Chicago Cultural Center right off the Magnificent Mile on the evening of Saturday, October 15th. We hope you can come and enjoy a super fun night with us - invite friends and family too - and ultimately raise some serious cash for OI!!!
Follow this link for more info and to purchase your ticket: OIF Strong Bones Gala 2016
Can you help us find incredible merchandise, gift certificates and memorabilia for our silent auction? Anything and everything is always appreciated (nothing is too small or insignificant!). Please contact Melissa Bonardi at the OI Foundation
As always, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!
Maggie Shae was super excited to receive the official proclamation from the State of Illinois declaring May 2nd-9th, 2015 National Osteogenesis Imperfecta Awareness Week here in the IL!
She will be just as excited when you come show your support at the 2nd Annual OIF Strong Bones Gala this year too!
We hope to see your smiling face there!