I'm officially another month older today. How exciting!
Here's a fun fact: the next time something like 12-12-12 happens I'll be 89 years old!
Here is an update on all things Maggie Shae:
*I am sleeping on my belly more and I can almost get myself to sleep now (that is, if I want to!)
*I do things with purpose and I know what I want!
*I practice turning pages in books, but mainly just to put them in my mouth...
*I love to practice feeding myself with a spoon, but I usually just end up feeding my shirt
*I love songs being sung to me (I'm a Little Teapot is a new favorite)
*I 'post up' on my tummy, raise my toosh and kick my legs to get things that are out of reach, I think soon I will be crawling! If I can't get to it I just maneuver my way over by rolling and stretching..I am so smart!
*I LOVE looking out the front window at the cars, people and dogs below. Sometimes I wave to Daddy when he goes to work.
*Here are just a few of my favorite books: Horton Hatches the Egg, Peek-A-Boo Baby, In the Woods (my very own family book), It's Time to Sleep, My Love, and any Sara Gillingham books (thanks for the whole set Aunt Brandy and The Rys clan!)
*I talk...a lot
*I can turn on my mobile in my crib all by myself (I did it this morning for the very first time!)
*I am over 26 inches and I now weigh over 16 lbs - I'm getting big!
Last weekend Grandma came to Chicago for a visit! We had such a wonderful time and we all were so excited to see her!
We hugged and laughed, and I loved pulling on her hair (I don't know, it's my new thing).
On Friday night we went to the Zoo Lights at the Lincoln Park Zoo and it was so colorful and magical. I loved it! What a way to start the celebration of my very first Christmas.
On Saturday Mama spent the day shopping downtown at the One of a Kind Show with Grandma, Nana, Aunt Katie, Celeste and Patty J while I spent time with Daddy. Then, that night, we wrapped presents and I snuggled with Grammy.
Sunday was the mother of all wondrous days...I got to open up my very first Christmas present!!!
This gift thing is awesome.....and now I hear about this Santy Claus guy who comes and brings me more presents?! I have no words.
For now, just feast your eyes on this:
Concentrate...I can do it..
Yay! Just what I always wanted!!
Here I am playing in my new baby play-pen..
Um, I mean, Discovery Sounds Activity Garden
Thanks Grandma!
The holidays are such a wonderful and special time of the year.
It's so nice to get to see all of the people that I love.
And for those I don't get to see, I love you very much and you're always in my heart.
The holidays are such a wonderful and special time of the year.
It's so nice to get to see all of the people that I love.
And for those I don't get to see, I love you very much and you're always in my heart.
Have a very special holiday!
Maggie Shae (& Family)
Here I am, a little Christmas elf, with Mama, Daddy and our Charlie Brown tree
Here I am, a little Christmas elf, with Mama, Daddy and our Charlie Brown tree
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