Friday, August 17, 2012

Hey, I'm 4-months-old!

Happy 4-month birthday to me!

I'm laughing at mommy and daddy because they put this ridiculous flower in my hair, but boy do I look cute!  Mr. Ellie is getting smaller and smaller because I'm getting so big!  Do you like how I'm showing you my new dress?

Here are some things about me this month:
length: 23 1/2 inches
weight: 12 1/2 lbs
head: big!
I am wearing 3-6 month clothes and my mommy is worried that I will grow out of them too quick!
I can hold my head up on my own now!
I can sit while supported!
I "talk" a lot and I love to make raspberries, and I LOVE when people make sounds at me!
Oh man, my tooth still has not come in!
I've slept 10, 11, & 12 hours! (but sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night...)
I LOVE to look at myself in the mirror!
I turn to see when someone comes into the room
I'm almost rolling over!

I'm a big girl now!

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