Friday, February 14, 2014

Big News!

Happy Heart Day!!!!

There's big news in Maggie World! I'm not even sure what it means exactly, but Mom and Dad tell me that there will be big changes to come this summer.  Everyone seems to be really excited, so I guess I am too.  Although I'm still not sure what all this means...

I'm going to be 2 years old in just two short months, but Mom and Dad keep referring to me being 2 already.  They'll say things like, "I think she's already going through her terrible twos." Sometimes I am a bit scared to turn two because I hear people describe them as 'terrible'.  I don't know why, I think 2 is going to be great.  Especially because I usually do and say what I want now that I've realized my independence.  My favorite words are "no!", "stop!" and "mine!"
I can't say that these words work too often, but I try all the time.

I really like to be what Mom and Dad call a dare devil.  I stand up on top of my slide and climb out of the bathtub.  I basically really get a kick out of doing the opposite that I am asked.  Sometimes I can get it to work, but other times I have to resort to various other means: screaming hysterically crying, bucking like a wild bronco, kicking and becoming what I like to call a 'wet noodle'.  I think these tactics are gonna work soon so I'm going to keep trying.  After all, I am pretty stubborn and headstrong (not sure where I got these personality traits..).
Don't get me wrong, there are lots of great things I do too!  Here are some of them..

Some things I am really liking nowadays:
  • painting, coloring, drawing & writing: I like to lay on the floor and use markers and pens
  • getting chased: Dad is really good at this!
  • The song "Ho Hey" by The Lumineers.  I say, "clap, clap!" and spin around (my signature dance move)
  • brushing my teeth and using the potty (a.k.a playing in the sink and flushing the potty)
  • Watching The Olympics and cheering when someone wins (I raise my fist and say, "yay!")
  • I like letters and numbers (everything is usually A or 8).  I like to 'count' too.
  • I like to go to bed with a good book and read before I fall asleep 
  • I also like to rip pages in books...sometimes I just can't help myself.  I say, "oh, no! rip!"
  • I like to go to the library, but I'm not too good at sitting for the story.  I like to visit with other kids and play.
  • I like to sit in shelves at stores and hide in clothes racks.  I find this makes for a very exciting trip to the store.  I know Mom really enjoys my games. (see pic)
  • I am going to start a music class next week and I am really excited about that too!
Here I am working on a masterpiece
Here are some phrases that I use a lot:
  • "Thank you!" - aren't I polite?  I say it about 500 times a day..
  • "Hi Mom" - I say this about 500 times a day too.  I just like to keep her on her toes.  If the house is a bit quiet it's time for a 'hi mom!'  Sometimes I'll switch it up and trick her with a, "Mom?", then she answers, "yes?" and I respond with, "hi!"
  • "Come, play" and "come, sit"
  • "Hiiiii!" - I like to shout this at places like the library, but I also greet strangers nicely too
  • "Um, no" - as in, (Mom) "Maggie, do you want a nap?", (Me) "um, no"
  • "mix, mix, mix" - I like to cook and love the movie Ratatouille (Touille, as I call it)
  • I say, "here Mom" and then I give her something (I'm very helpful!)
  • "Hug" - that's pretty self explanatory
Oh, so much snow!
I am going to be taking a trip in a few weeks to North Carolina.  It's a state I've never been to, so I'm very excited!  I am also very excited because we are going there to celebrate my Great-Grandma's 90th birthday!  Wow, that is really special!!  I will see a lot of family that live all over the country and we'll have so much fun together.  Dad says it's a very long trip and we'll be driving through the mountains.  I sure hope Mom doesn't freak out.  I'll keep you posted.

So, as you can see, a lot is happening in this little life of mine.  I am excited for Spring to come (will it ever come?) and to get outside, help Mom in the garden, make some new friends and play at the park with Dad.  I am really excited to be a big sister soon, although I still don't get it.  Do you have any advice for me?  Thanks for reading about me and Happy Valentine's Day!

In other exciting news, we are planning our 2nd Annual Grandpa's Gift Golf Event for this spring! It will be here in Illinois and we are so excited for a great day to celebrate my Grandpa Tom (his birthday is May 21st) and raise awareness for OI.  Plus, we'll have a tone of fun!!  There's so much more to come about this awesome event, so stay tuned!  If you want to read about our event last year go here.  If you are interested in donating to our silent auction (crafts, merchandise, gift baskets) or are (or know a business who would be) interested in sponsoring or donating please contact  Thank you!

Here are some more outtakes from my photo shoot:



Happy Heart Day!
Maggie Shae