Well, okay, maybe you will..
I sat down with this little lady to re-cap the past 10 months of her adventurous life, and to try and delve into the world that is Maggie Shae.
Maggie Shae, you are about to have another birthday - 11 months! And you're almost a year old! Can you give us any details about your big birthday bash?
Well, only that it is a once-in-a-lifetime event...quite literally, actually.
Who will you be wearing? Who is on the guest list?
Well, I don't like to name drop, so all I can tell you is that I am going to be dressed to impress.
As for the guest list, all my favorite people will be there. It is going to be quite the soirée! (yes, I can also speak francais)
I have very special guests coming from near and far. Some from very exotic places, like Michigan.
I hear we will be doing all kinds of very fun kid things, and my Mama always gets this crazy look in her eye when she's talking to me about it. I hear her say things like, 'cake' a lot, but I don't know what that is. I hear it will change my life though..
A moment on the lips makes a baby do flips...isn't that how that saying goes?
I guess so..Well, you live a pretty adventurous life. What is the most exciting thing that has happened to you in the past year?
Hmmm, that is tough...I feel like everyday was a new adventure for me! I've visited many new and far-off places, like Ohio, Kansas City, Michigan and I'm going to be going to a place called South Carolina soon! My Daddy and Mama say I will swim in an ocean and play on sand. I really have no clue what that means, but I hear we will have so much fun!
But I digress...
Now that I have gotten so big - I'm nearly 18 lbs and over 27" long now - I'm eating big girl food and army-crawling and talking, waving bye-bye, dancing and playing so much and everyone tells me that I've really developed quite a little personality. I am just such a happy girl and I really love just about everything! I just can't wait to keep growing and learning and meeting lots of new friends!
Has anything exciting happened to you lately?
Why, yes! I started going to this wonderful place where all of these babies gather and we play and sing songs. My Mama said it is a baby class. I try to get everyone's attention and I crawl right up to all of the kids that are standing and try to talk to them. I'm curious about these kids because they are much taller, but Mama says they've learned to stand on their legs,. What the what?! I can't believe that because my legs are great and all, but right now I just use them to push me around real fast when I'm trying to get into something I shouldn't be.
Anyways, this place was unbelievable! There were all kinds of grandma's and mommy's, and everyone was so nice to one another. We sang and listened stories, danced, and played. It was pretty much like a baby nirvana, if you ask me (and you did... just to be clear).
Wow, that sounds great! But, I have to ask, is there anything that you really, really don't like?
Well, if you would've asked me that a week ago I would've said baby food or peas - ew! I really don't like these things. But there is something else I have recently discovered that I really do. not. enjoy.
I used to look out the window and think it was great, but I never expected to be plopped down in it, then made a fool by being pulled around in this hideous orange thingamajig. It was quite embarrassing and offensive, if you ask me (and, again, you did..to be clear).
See the exclusive photos here first!

I will act like I can't see you because I am so. mad. right. now!
And then you have the nerve to tip me over in this torture device you call a 'sled'?!
Wow, you're right, you do look pretty miserable.
Yes. I don't know how anyone thinks this stuff is fun. It's completely ridiculous. I wouldn't even smile, and when they finally took my back inside and asked me how I liked it I gave a good raspberry. Hmpf...as if they couldn't tell that I hated it.
Well, let's change subjects since I can see you are a bit worked up. What is something new that you've learned?
Well, yes! I mean, I don't want to toot my own horn or anything (toot! toot!) But, I have recently tried my hand at dancing! I even try to say it. My Mama and Daddy usually have to do some pretty outlandish things to get me to dance (see the video for that), but when I want to I can really get down!
Ok, it takes a while for me to actually 'dance', but it happens.
And hearing my Mama make a fool of herself is pretty priceless!
And hearing my Mama make a fool of herself is pretty priceless!
Wow, you really are crazy. Now I'm going to ask you some basic questions so our readers learn a little bit more about the girl behind the adventurous image:
What's your favorite game to play?
It's still peek-a-boo..what a classic!
What's your favorite book?
Well, I don't like to discriminate, I do enjoy a good solid board book to peruse while I'm relaxing, but if I'm looking to get into trouble and chew or tear something up I usually go for a good old classic Dr. Seuss (no offense Ted, and happy belated birthday to you, friend!)
What's your favorite song?
I am quite partial to the ABCs and I'm a Little Teapot still - you can't go wrong with those rhymes- but I do enjoy some good classic rock and classical every now and again. My Papa introduced me to this wonderful show called Little Einsteins, and it's just delightful! I learn all about music and art. Each episode they have a new artist, composer and area of the world that they travel to and have a great adventure. I just love it! Those zany kids...
What is your favorite thing to eat?
I have quite a refined palate, lately it's been raisins and scrambled eggs. And I love a good filtered water in a cup.
And finally, what is your favorite part about being a baby?
Hmm.. just about everything. I love smiling at new people and being happy all the time. I love kisses and hugs and exploring. I love being held and picked up and strolled around. I love my wubbies and my owl puppet (HootieHoo), my wood puzzles and my dj turn table. I pretty much just love everything about everything (except for that silly snow).
Well, our interview is all done. Is there anything you would like to say?
Well, yes actually. The past several months have really been quite wonderful in my little life. I really have grown and learned so much, been shown so much and have become my own person. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone out there who cares about me and sends lots of love and prayers and good thoughts out into the universe for me. For all of you who read this and follow my story and asks about me and my family, it really means a lot. I am the happiest little girl you'll ever meet, but the reason why is because I have been shown so much love and kindness from pretty much everyone I've ever met. My life didn't start out the smoothest or the most pleasant, and some times it will be hard, just as life can be for everyone, but I just want to take the time to say thank you for showing me the most wonderful 11 months any gal could ask for. I really do love you all. Lots of hugs, Maggie Shae!
Next time you here from me I'll be a year old!!
Wow! Well, you heard it here first people. Miss Maggie Shae is every bit the little professional you thought she was. Living under a veil of secrecy over the past few weeks, with no word form her camp and no new publicity, I had thought perhaps she was going the Baby Gaga route and was 'taking a break' from her high-profile lifestyle, but she really proved me wrong today. What a little lady indeed.
Hooray for you, Maggie Shae!
You certainly have star power Miss Maggie Shae!! Congrats on becoming 11 months -- already!