Thursday, October 11, 2012

Shriner's Part 3 and My 6-Month Check-up

The Philosophical Ramblings of a Baby:
Well, I think it's safe to say (finally!) that I am doing really well at this point in my life.  Yep, I have to remind mama and daddy of this every so often, but it's true, it's okay to be glad and positive about me any these pesky bones of mine.  Who knows what the future holds, but right now things are looking up.  There will be set-backs, as there are with anyone. OI or not.  

6-Month Check-Up
I had a doctor's appointment on Monday for my 6-month check-up.  Someone remind me NEVER to go back to the doctor EVER AGAIN!  What, do they like seeing babies cry or somethin'?! Jeez, people.  Anyways, it wasn't my regular doctor, so mommy was way anxious..chewing her lip and nails (gross mom, we're in a doctor's office...GERMS!!).  
She has to remind everyone that I have weak bones, even the doctors, but sometimes they still do things that could hurt me without knowing it, so she has to show them how.  This doctor lifted me up under my arms (yikes!) and I think mama may have almost peed in her pants.  Then the doctor did this hip test thingy on me and I thought my mama was going to crawl out of her own skin, she was wiggling around so much!  I did not like it too much, but I came out unscathed...oh, except for all those shots!!
Anyways, the Pediatrician says I'm right on target with all of my developmental milestones and I look great.  I coulda told you that without getting all those shots, hmpf!
Here's a run-down:
14.7 lbs (25th percentile)
25.75 inches (50th percentile)
head: big! (75th percentile)

Shriner's: Part 3
Well, back to Shriners we went, and the doctors were, once again, impressed with me.  They said I look great and knowing that I have not had any breaks due to the universe's own potion of good-luck juice and everything else good in the world (no, not their exact words!) and not because of starting treatment was a good sign.  Although they would still advise getting treatment to strengthen my bones, the need for it didn't sound so absolutely dire anymore.  Plus, as the doctor pointed out, if I would've started treatment we never would've known how strong I actually am.  We would instead think it was due to the medication. We were glad to hear this!  
That's basically it.  Not too much to report, but mama and daddy were all smiley in the car, but they did knock on wood an awful they always do....
I go see the Childrens team at the end of November.  Keep putting the good juju out there for me!

xoxo &
lot's of love,
Maggie Shae

p.s. Here are some recent pics of me.  I can go in my stroller without my carseat now because I can hold up my head so well!  

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