Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sorry for the wait...

Wow, we have been really, really busy lately!  Sorry I haven't been filling you in on everything Maggie Shae, but here's a re-cap..... 

BJBB FInal Total: 

As it stands today we have raised over $4,400 for OI!  Can you believe it? 
When we started we had hoped to raise $1,000, and we thought that was a lofty goal, but we far surpassed that and kept going!  Words can never express the gratitude we feel for everyone who helped and supported us.  It was a lot of work, but we hope to be able to raise money and awareness at least one time each year.  My whole family is really determined to raise awareness because they really want a cure found.  For everyone who donated and shared their love, you are helping us reach this goal!
Thank You!!
We were contacted by the OI Foundation about being in their September eNews bulletin's quarterly Volunteer Spotlight segment for our work raising money for BJBB Day!  I'll be sure to let you know when it hits the press!

  Thank you for supporting us!

"Boy or Girl?", grrrr
Okay, people, I get it.  I have short hair and I don't wear bows, but when I'm in head to toe pink isn't that enough for you to know that I'm a GIRL??!!
Yes, this is to you Mr. Podiatrist, waitresses at the Chinese restaurant, clerk at Walgreens and the countless other passerbys who exclaim, "Aw, what a cute little guy", or, "aw, how old is he?".  I mean,  my mommy tries so hard to make it obvious, to no avail!  Oh well, at least people think I'm cute, hehe.

I escaped from The Big House of cuteness!

Rollin' with My Homies
I am so close to rolling over!  My mommy is constantly whipping out her camera to take videos of me, but when she does I usually get stage fright and stop.  Most of the time now, when I'm laying on my back, I will arch and look behind me, usually to try and see my favorite toys or to get something in my mouth.  Everyone thinks it's really funny, but I just want to chew on something!!  My mommy and daddy think I am going to turn myself over without even knowing it soon.  Little do they know, everything I do is deliberate.  I'm very smart....
I am usually rolling on my back, left and right, and I'm getting very good at it.  Sometimes I wiggle around so much I turn in a big circle or wiggle off the blanket!  When someone helps me turn over all of the way I now know how to get my arm out from under me and move it to reach for things.  I also am getting really good at holding my head up and looking forward, and I'm working on turning it all the way from side to side to look at all of the interesting things around me.
Everyone says that I am very observant, whatever that means.  I just know that I love to look at everything, and there's a lot to see! 
Here are some of my favorite things to do:
I LOVE my octotunes pal.  He is bright, yellow, and smiley and his tentacles honks and toot and make all kinds of sounds that just crack me up!  I also love my cow toy that my cousin Adrienne gave to me.  It rolls back-and-forth and says "moooo" and it has a mirror on it.  I love anything with a mirror nowadays..
I also LOVE to dance around.  My mama sings Love Shack and My Best Friend's Girl and we dance and I smile and laugh, mostly at her because, let's face it, she's craaaazy.
I love my little green fabric ball-toy that my cousins Carolyn and Erin gave to me too.  It's got all kinds of thingies that I can grab and, of course, chew and suck on.
And, I love to eat sweet potatoes and rice cereal!

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